Research Council for Complementary Medicine Conference

On Friday 13th September the RCCM held its annual conference, this year the event was online. Meaningful Measures was proud to sponsor this event. The conference was attended by over 40 delegates representing researchers and practitioners who work in the area of complementary and integrative practice. There was a fantastic keynote speech from Dr Jacqui Stringer - clinical and research lead for the complementary health and wellbeing service at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust which was all about how to undertake real-world research in this context.

During the conference there was a great deal of buzz about the MYCaW® and MYMOP® tools. Many of the presentations mentioned the tools or had actually used them to collect data for their research or evaluation. It was wonderful to see so many experts in complementary and integrative research using our outcome measures. People also asked about our translation of the tools in different languages – you can find out about our latest versions here

If you want to use the MYCaW® and MYMOP® tools (paper or digital) in your work, get in touch to find out more about our licences.

We also provide comprehensive training for our tools to enable you to effectively use them to generate really great insights into the impact of your work. 

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Wednesday, 16 October 2024
Meaningful Measures