By Helen Seers on Friday, 16 August 2024
Category: General

Celebrating 4 years of Meaningful Measures Ltd.

On the 7th of August we celebrated 4 years of becoming incorporated so we looked at back at what we've achieved at Meaningful Measures Ltd in that time. Meaningful Measures Ltd was created when, on her retirement in 2020, Dr Paterson suggested that Dr Polley and Dr Seers become the new owners of MYMOP and MYCaW. Since then the team has grown to include Claire Stone (Team Administrator looking after licences and our digital portal), Sonya Elnaschie (Social Media Coordinator and Research Assistant) and our three fantastic Research Associates: Abby Sabey, Michelle Tytherleigh and Nicole Collaço.

Read on to recap the last 4 years with us.

We have supported 330 organisations to obtain MYCaW and MYMOP licences:

Since taking ownership of MYMOP and MYCaW in 2020 we have enabled hundreds of organisations in the UK and around the world to use these well-loved outcome measures which have been refreshed and upgraded.

267 people using our digital portal to access MYCaW or MYMOP:

Being able to have a digital version of MYCaW and MYMOP was an aim of ours when we set up Meaningful Measures Ltd. The digital portal, designed by our lovely friends at Amperative, allows you to send out initial and follow up forms via email or open them up during a consultation. The data is all stored in one place and score changes are automatically calculated along with the percentage of scores that meet a clinically significant change. Our clients are loving what we developed!

Our tools are accredited by NHS England's HSSF framework and currently 5 NHS Integrated Care Systems are using MYCaW at scale:

11 Partnerships developed:

Thanks to everyone who has partnered with us over the last 4 years to make our tools more accessible via different digital platforms, or to carry out research and evaluation. We have loved the opportunities to work alongside these organisations and look forward to continuing to do so. Access Elemental, NHSE (HSSF Framework), YourClinic, Association of Reflexologists, Menstrual Cycle Support, Kera Consultancy Ltd, SPLENDID, Joy, PerciHealth, Help@Hand.

People in 16 countries use MYMOP and MYCaW:

Although we are accredited by NHS England and the majority of our licenced users are in the UK, we have current users in all of these countries!

Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, South Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Sweden, UK, USA.

 31 translations of our tools:

We collaborate with clients who want to create a translation of either MYCaW or MYMOP, using our translation protocol to ensure quality assurance. We grant a free licence in perpetuity in return. Thanks to all of our clients and colleagues who have worked with us on this –

MYMOP developed or in process for 18 languages:

·Chinese, Vincent CH Chung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

·Danish, Jacob Rosenberg, Birthe Oggesen, Marie Louise Hamberg, Anne Danielsen, Herlev Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark, Mira Mekhael, Therese Juul, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark

·Dutch, Sophie Berendsen, Erasums, University Medical Centre, Rotterdam

·French Canadian, Paule Gauthier, Canadian Dupuytren Society, Marie Vigouroux, McGill University, Montréal, Canada

·German, Katja Krug, University Hospital Heidelberg and Christian Förster, University Hospital Tübingen, Germany

·Greek, Konstantinos Chandolias, Aristi Tsokani, Eleni-Argyroula Tsounia, Vasiliki Stefanouli, Nikolaos Strimpakos. Health Assessment and Quality of Life Research lab, Department of Physiotherapy, University of Thessaly, Greece

·Bengali, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, currently in process with Meaningful Measures clients

MYCaW developed or in process for 13 languages:

·Danish, Jacob Rosenberg, Birthe Oggesen, Marie Louise Hamberg, Anne Danielsen, Herlev Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark, Mira Mekhael, Therese Juul, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark

·German, Friedemann Schad, Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe Berlin, Germany Katja Adie- Royal Cornwall Hospital UK, Gordon Adie, UK, Dr. rer. nat. Anja Thronicke, Research Institute Havelhöhe Berlin, Germany

·Hebrew, Noah Samuels, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Israel and Eran Ben-Ayre Integrative Oncology Program, The Oncology Service, Lin Carmel, and Zebulun Medical Centers, Clalit Health Services, Haifa, Israel.

·Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish, Mandy Trinh and team at Transformation Partners, for North Central London Integrated Care's Long Term Conditions project

·Welsh, Nadia Hikary- Bhal and the CTMUHB Welsh Language Team, Royal Glamorgan Hospital, Wales

·Arabic, Bengali, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, currently in process with Meaningful Measures clients

Over 15,000 anonymised concerns and symptoms collected:

Since we set up a licence process, we have asked for anonymised concerns and symptoms data to be shared with us. We use this to then develop frameworks, publications and resources for our clients. We now have over 15,000 concerns and symptoms shared with us from a large range of organisations and practitioners.

82 training courses provided:

We know that using outcome measures can feel a bit daunting at first, so provide training on how to administer, analyse and strategically report MYCaW and MYMOP data. We have run 80 training courses, reaching approximately 800 people. We have also provided bespoke training for participants in the Health Foundation's Q Community programme and Somerset Wildlife Trust.

18 evaluations commissioned:

Evaluation is one of our specialist areas, and we have been commissioned by a range of organisations. Thank you to all of our clients who we have had the pleasure to work for including. We have enjoyed contributing to the evidence that highlights how valuable these services are. Some of these are available online.

The Wildlife Trusts, Somerset Wildlife Trust, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly ICB, Coventry and Warwickshire ICS, NHS England and Improvement Southwest Integrated Personalised Care Team, West Yorkshire ICB, Kera Consultancy, Gloucestershire Primary Care Training Hub, Battersea PCN, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, Lime Art at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Menstrual Cycle Support, Birmingham Centre for Art Therapies, Hip Hop Heals, College of Medicine.

5 peer-reviewed publications:

We love collaborating with people, in research studies, commissioned research projects, or on new translations of our tools. We authored publications with two Portuguese research groups about different aspects of social prescribing:

Hoffmeister LV, et al. Implementing a social prescribing program in primary care units in Portugal: A qualitative study exploring enablers, barriers and lessons learned from the perspectives of stakeholders involved in the program implementation. PLoS One. 2024 Jun 28;19(6).

Costa A, et al.. "You get out of the house, you talk to each other, you laugh…And that's fantastic" - a qualitative study about older people's perceptions of social prescribing in mainland Portugal. BMC Health Serv Res. 2024 May 20;24(1):645.

We enjoy being part of the great team carrying out the NIHR funded SPLENDID study aiming to develop bespoke social prescribing pathways for people living with dementia. We contributed to the first protocol publication.

Marshall J, et al.; SPLENDID Collaboration. Social prescribing for people living with dementia (PLWD) and their carers: what works, for whom, under what circumstances and why - protocol for a complex intervention systematic review. BMJ Open. 2024 Apr 8;14(4)

We were also privileged to work with Chris Cam and the frailty nurses at NHS Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust and the primary care practice at North and South Gloucester Primary Care Network , Joanne Appleton at NHS England and NHS Improvement South West and Ruth Barker at Health Innovation Wessex. We used the anonymised MYCaW concerns to develop a framework that show the whole range of concerns people living with frailty experience – and many are not related to their health but the environment in which they live.

Polley MJ, et al.. Developing a framework of concerns from people living with frailty, for the Measure Yourself Concerns and Wellbeing (MYCaW) person-centred outcome measure. BMJ Open Qual. 2024 Jan 31;13(1)

Collaborating with Berthe Oggesen, Ann Danielsen and Jacob Rosenberg to translate and test out MYCaW and MYMOP in Danish was a pleasure. They are based in the Departments of Surgery at Copenhagen University Hospital and Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark.

Rosenberg J, et al. Danish translation and qualitative validation of the Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile and the Measure Yourself Concerns and Wellbeing. Dan Med J. 2022 Feb 23;69(3)

Here's to four more years, more collaborations, more research and more translations!

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